Liver & Organ Defender - Take Care Of Your Organs

Liver & Organ Defender - Take Care Of Your Organs


Let’s be real: hardcore bodybuilding can take a toll on your liver & organs. The health of your liver, kidneys, heart, prostate, and skin is critical to being your best. Whether you frequently use aggressive supplements or just want optimal wellness, 5% Nutrition Liver & Organ Defender helps you Take Care Of Your Organs!

5% Nutrition Liver & Organ Defender Is The Solution 

No doubt the health of your liver and organs are critical to your bodybuilding, athletic, or fitness goals. 5% Liver & Organ Defender is the solution. 

What Does The Liver Do?

Before we go any further, let’s look at what the liver actually does. The liver has quite a few functions, including:

  • The liver detoxifies the body by helping get rid of toxins such as alcohol, drugs, hormones, and ammonia.
  • It manufactures bile, which transports waste and helps break down fats to be used as energy. In fact, the liver has a primary role in all metabolic functions in the body. 
  • It helps convert excess glucose into glycogen for use as energy by the body. It can also convert excess glycogen back into glucose. 
  • The liver also helps control blood levels of amino acids. 
  • It makes anticoagulant factors for proper blood clotting.
  • The liver produces cholesterol to help carry fat through the body.
  • It is where the body stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), plus iron, and copper.
  • It supports immune health by resisting infections. The liver does this by producing immune factors. Also, it helps carry bacteria from the bloodstream.

As you might imagine, these functions will suffer if the liver is not in peak condition. If your liver has to process a number of harmful substances, it will have a difficult time doing all of its other functions. For this reason, bodybuilders and athletes want optimal liver health for longevity and maximum performance.(1,2) One great way to do that is to add Liver & Organ Defender to your program.

What Other Organs Does 5% Nutrition Liver & Organ Defender Support?

As we have seen, Liver & Organ Defender also supports the health of several organs, including:

Heart Health 

The importance of a healthy heart cannot be overstated. Yet many people take it for granted. We can say the same for all of the organs mentioned in this article. As far as your heart, it’s the most important muscle in the body. Here are a few of its functions:

  • Pumps blood throughout your body, keeping you alive.
  • Transports nutrients and oxygen in the body.
  • Carries waste products and carbon dioxide out of the body.

There are several critical things that can go wrong with your heart, such as poor circulation and electrical problems (the heart depends on electrical impulses to beat normally).(3)  

That means it’s important to support heart health with Liver & Organ Defender.

Kidney Health

The kidneys are the body’s filtering system. It goes without saying the bodybuilding lifestyle places a high demand on them. Here are some of its functions(4)

  1. Removes waste and extra fluid from the body
  2. Regulates blood pressure
  3. Produces a hormone called erythropoietin, which makes red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen throughout the body and promote natural energy.
  4. Helps maintain the acid balance in the body.
  5. Supports bone health by manufacturing a type of vitamin D, and maintaining the balance between calcium and phosphorus. 

Prostate Health 

This is part of the male reproductive system. The key health concern is an enlarged prostate which can lead to various problems including prostate cancer. Therefore, taking a supplement like Liver & Organ Defender makes sense.

Healthy Skin

When most people think of healthy skin, they think of a good complexion. Yet the skin has several important functions.(5)  

These include:

  • Provides a protective barrier against injury and hazardous substances.
  • Helps decrease the negative effects of UV radiation
  • Prevents loss of moisture.
  • Functions as a sensory organ.
  • Helps control temperature.
  • Plays a role in the production of vitamin D.


You’re a true 5%er. That means you put a high demand on your liver, kidneys, and other organs. It should also mean you value good overall health. From limiting any negative effects of an aggressive supplement cycle to achieving overall wellness, you’ll want to add 5% Nutrition Liver & Organ Defender to your program. Remember, Take Care Of Your Organs!


  2. How does the liver work? - - NCBI Bookshelf
  3. How your heart works | NHS inform


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