It’s Time To Gain Some Size! Fall/Winter Mass Gaining Plan Part 3

It’s Time To Gain Some Size! Fall/Winter Mass Gaining Plan Part 3


In Part 2, we covered Days # 3 and 4. In Part 3, we’ll cover the last 2 days. We’re also including the critical Performance Notes for those 5%ers that happen to read this article first. You'll be ready to hit the gym with this plan in no time.

The 6-Day Routine (cont. From Part 2) - Day # 5 - Shoulders & Traps (Abs optional)

Overhead Presses - 4 sets - 16, 12, 10, 8 reps.

You can use a straight bar, EZ bar, or dumbbells. 

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 3 drop sets - 3 drops per set.

For your first set, do 12-15 reps, drop the weight by 10%, do as many reps as possible, drop the weight again by 10%, and do as many reps as possible. The goal is to do this 3 times.

Rear Dumbbell Laterals - 3 sets - 20, 16, 12 reps.

If you want, you can rest your forehead on a preacher bench like Rich used to do to help keep you stable. You can also use a machine if your gym has one.

Shrugs - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

Alternate every other workout with Behind The Back Shrugs (also known as Haney Shrugs for 8-time Mr. O Lee Haney). The range of motion on Haney Shrugs is only; a couple of inches, but it’s a great exercise.

Abs - Optional

Day # 6 - Arms/Abs

Seated EZ Curls - 4 sets - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

You can’t cheat on these. When you fail, stand up with the bar and keep the set going by doing Drag Curls.

Hammer Curls - 4 sets - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

The neutral, palms-facing grip hits the biceps brachialis, and the forearms. 

Concentration Dumbbell Curls - 4 sets - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

Use the rep tempo as suggested in the Performance Notes, but hold and squeeze at the top, not just shy of lockout. 

Tricep Pushdowns - 4 sets - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps - drop set on your last set - 3 drops.

Use only your triceps to perform this exercise, and watch momentum. When you do your drop set, work it as hard as you can. 

Close Grip Bench Press - 4 sets - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

Keep your hands close and use only your triceps. You’ll feel this in the inner chest also.

Vacuums - 3 sets - hold for 15 seconds.

Crunch - 5 sets x 15 reps.

Hanging Leg Raises - 5 sets x 15 reps

Performance Notes

Unless otherwise noted, use a 2-3-4 tempo on all reps. That’s a 2-second concentric, a 3-second pause just shy of lockout, and a 4-second eccentric to emphasize the negative. Of course, make sure you are making every rep count. Don’t stop at a predetermined number if you could easily do another 4-5 reps. Do the reps and add weight next time. Focus on form, no sloppy movements just to get the weight up. 

Rest 30-45 seconds between sets. Your progression can be in adding weight consistently, adding a couple of reps, reducing rest time, or adding intensity techniques such as longer pauses near lockout, a slower eccentric, or adding burns at the end of a set. 

If you need to, take an extra rest day. Who says you have to work with a 7-day week? Make it an 8-day week if needed. If this workout is too much work for your experience level, drop the workload of each day by 20-30% with the goal of working up to the full routine.

Finally, keep a training journal. 


In Part 3, we presented the last 2 days of our 6-Day Split routine. You’ve got the whole thing, now it’s up to you to work it hard. Remember what Rich used to say - whatever it takes! Also, don’t forget to drink your post-workout shake as soon as you’re done with your last set. Try adding Core L-Glutamine to maximize recovery. If you’ve been pushing hard, add Joint Defender to keep those joints in shape. Keep working this program and get ready to get bigger!

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It’s Time To Gain Some Size! Fall/Winter Mass Gaining Plan Part 2
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