It’s Time To Gain Some Size! Fall/Winter Mass Gaining Plan Part 2


In Part 1 of our Fall/Winter Mass-Gaining Plan for 2023-2024, we provide your first 2 days, legs, and a rest day (which, if you pushed legs hard enough, you needed). We also presented up front, right in the first article, everything you need to know about nutrition, 5% supplements, feeders, and cardio. In Part 2, we’ll provide days # 3 and #4. Since each of these articles may be read on their own, we’re also providing the Performance Notes. However, refer to Part 1 for the nutrition and supplement suggestions.

The 6-Day Routine (cont. From Part 1) - Day # 3 - Chest/Abs

Incline Hammer Press - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8-10 reps

This was one of Rich’s favorite exercises, and we’ve added it here because it puts the focus on the upper chest right at the beginning. 

Bench Press (alternate every other workout with Chest Press Machine) - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

When you use the Chest Press machine, use drop sets. Start with a weight you can do 15 reps with, stop long enough to drop the pin a couple of plates, and do as many reps as you can. Do this until you’re on the last pin. You might be doing as many as 6, 7, or 8 drops. Work it hard, and that’s it for your chest workout. Continue on to abs.

On days you do Bench Presses, continue with the following:

Incline Dumbbell Flyes - 3 sets x 12 reps 

Pec Deck - 5 sets - 15, 12, 12, 10, 8 reps 

This exercise is all about the squeeze and the pump. 

Vacuums - 4 sets - hold for 15 seconds

Of course, Rich swore by this exercise. 

Twisting Crunch - 3 sets x 15 reps

Reverse Crunch - 3 sets x 15 reps

Day # 4 - Back/Abs

Bent Rows - 5 sets - 25, 20, 15, 12, 10 reps

This routine features 2 rowing exercises for back thickness. 

T-Bar Rows - 5 sets - 25, 20, 15, 12, 10 reps - make the last set a drop set.

On your last set, do your 10 reps, drop the weight 10%, and do as many reps as you can. 

Lat Pulldowns - 5 sets - 25, 20, 15, 12, 10 reps each set

This exercise builds width. Mix up your grip on this by using different bar attachments. Use a standard lat bar and a wide grip, try a bar with parallel grip handles, and also try a V-handle. All of these change the feel you’ll experience in your lats. 

Vacuums - 3 sets - hold for 15 seconds

Crunch - 3 sets x 15 reps

Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets x 15 reps

Performance Notes

Unless otherwise noted, use a 2-3-4 tempo on all reps. That’s a 2-second concentric, a 3-second pause just shy of lockout, and a 4-second eccentric to emphasize the negative. Of course, make sure you are making every rep count. Don’t stop at a predetermined number if you could easily do another 4-5 reps. Do the reps and add weight next time. Focus on form, no sloppy movements just to get the weight up. 

Rest 30-45 seconds between sets. Your progression can be in adding weight consistently, adding a couple of reps, reducing rest time, or adding intensity techniques such as longer pauses near lockout, a slower eccentric, or adding burns at the end of a set. 

If you need to, take an extra rest day. Who says you have to work with a 7-day week? Make it an 8-day week if needed. If this workout is too much work for your experience level, drop the workload of each day by 20-30% with the goal of working up to the full routine.

Finally, keep a training journal.


In Part 2 of It’s Time To Gain Some Size!, we broke down a brutal chest and back workout that covers 2 more days of our 6-Day Split. Get ready for the next 2 days of your split and don’t forget 5% Nutrition Shake Time and Real Carbs ( or Real Carbs Rice) after your workout! Are you always on the go? Grab some Snack Time packets and make sure you’ve got protein when you need it!

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