
Are You A 5%ER?

Are You A 5%ER?


I get this question all the time. I feel like I've said it a million times, but here I'm going to explain it so everyone can hear for themselves from me, Rich Piana. What is the 5%? I believe that of all the people in the world, only 5% are willing to do whatever it takes to reach the goals they have set for themselves.

Most people think I mean bodybuilding only. That couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s more to life than bodybuilding. It applies to bodybuilding, but it also applies to life. Now having said that, if you’re a bodybuilder, you must do whatever you need to if you want to be a champion. You train harder than the next person. Eat big - you need proper nutrition and the right 5% Nutrition supplements, like 5150 to drive you through your workouts. You need to recover. That’s why I created All Day You May, Drink Sleep Grow, and Knocked The F*ck Out.

Now, there’s more than just bodybuilding. I'm talking about financial success, your choice of a career, whatever your dreams or goals are.Doing whatever it takes is a mentality. That's the key. It’s a mindset. You can see the mental emphasis in something like 5% Nutrition Mentality. That’s what I was going for when I created that product.

You see the 5% emblem on all my supplements. You see the “Whatever It Takes” slogan on my apparel. I'm one of those people willing to do whatever it takes. I always have been. This mindset is not only bodybuilders. A guy like Bill Gates is a 5%er. Why? Simple. Look at all he’s achieved. The bottom line is, do you have the mentality to do whatever you need to? Are you driven enough?


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