Your Genetic Potential - How Big Can You Get Naturally, Part 2

Your Genetic Potential - How Big Can You Get Naturally, Part 2


In Part 1 of Your Genetic Potential - How Big Can You Get Naturally, we looked at specific genes that impact muscle growth. We also looked at natural testosterone decline and offered some 5% supplement solutions. In Part 2, we will look at some additional factors that impact muscle growth. Plus, we provide some ideas you can use to optimize your genetic potential. Let’s get going!

Muscle Fibers

There are two main types of muscle fibers and several sub-types. For this article, we will look at muscle fibers in general terms. 

Slow Twitch

These are considered endurance muscles. They’re great for stamina but not so much for muscle growth. Slow-twitch fibers respond well to high-rep pump training, the kind of training Rich advocated. 

Fast Twitch

When we think of muscle growth, these are the primary fibers you want to build. They are great for power, strength, and speed. However, they’re not that good for endurance. That means these muscle fibers are great for lower rep (6-8) sets. Rich also advocated the pyramid approach, starting high and working down to 6-8 reps. He did this in many of his routines. 

Both types grow, but fast twitch grows faster. The ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch is largely determined by your genetics. All of us have varying ratios of these fibers. It’s important to note that both types can be optimally trained.(1)

The Number Of Years You Have Been Lifting

As you lift over the years you will see fewer and fewer gains. That’s assuming you’ve been lifting seriously and continuously. There are several models, or theories, that look at your lifting experience and rate your growth potential accordingly. One model judges experience by how many years you’ve been training (The McDonald Model). Another judges it by labeling lifters as Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced (The Aragon/Helms Model). At least one goes strictly by frame size (Casey Butt’s Frame Size Model). We will look at this a little more closely next.(2)

Physical Frame 

This might be a common point for any discussion of genetic potential, but it comes with some controversy. Some authorities feel frame size doesn’t matter. On the other end of the spectrum are individuals who feel frame size has everything to do with how big you can get. These people feel a shorter, small-boned lifter won’t gain as much mass as a taller, large-boned lifter. 

Here’s how it breaks down:  

For this example, let's say you have a wrist size of about 7”, an ankle size of about 9”, and a height of around 5”5”. Based on this theory, you could potentially reach a muscular body weight of about 190 lbs. 

So What Are We Looking At For Natural Potential - And How Much Does It Matter?

Here’s an approximate guideline based on the number of years you have been seriously and consistently training.

1st year - 20-25 lbs

2nd year - 10-12 lbs

3rd year - 5-6 lbs

4th year and up - 1-2 lbs

In terms of achievable drug-free size, this lines up well with the Casey Butt calculator. Still, don’t make too big a deal over these estimates. Everybody is different. Do what Rich always said - for the best results, train hard, and get your nutrition and 5% supplementation down. 

Here’s How To Optimize Your Potential

Training & Recovery

Most of us have trained for strength and power. Usually, you spend your first several years laying a foundation of strength using basic exercises and progressively heavier weight. Some lifters never leave this approach. To fully develop the fast-twitch fibers, this is an important training approach. 

But, to fully develop the slow twitch muscle fibers, you should do higher rep, moderate weight pump sets. How you incorporate all this is your choice. For example, Rich trained for strength for years. Later, he switched to moderate weight and began using higher reps. Among other benefits, this helped ease joint issues. Both techniques can be used in one routine.

Nutrition & 5% Nutrition Supplements

Of course, you should eat a high protein, moderate to low (based on goals) carb, and moderate to low fat diet. The only reason this might change is if you’re an endurance athlete. In that case, you’ll go for higher carbs. Regardless, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the most from your 5% supplement arsenal. It starts with protein, such as Shake Time. Then, Kill It RTD or your favorite 5% pre-workout and All Day You May as an intra-workout. Don’t forget our potent muscle builders! Besides the exceptional TEST Stack and Bigger By The Day, add Core Creatine Monohydrate and Core L-Glutamine 5000 for maximum results. These are the 5% supplements that will help you maximize your potential!


A lot of what’s presented here is out of your hands, such as gene function. Yet some things aren’t. That means you have options. The bottom line? If you’re a true 5%er, you’ll do whatever it takes to reach your goals. So grab hold of that mindset and let nothing get in your way! 


  1. Plotkin, D. L., Roberts, M. D., Haun, C. T., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2021). Muscle Fiber Type Transitions with Exercise Training: Shifting Perspectives. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 9(9), 127.
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