Real Carbs Rice/Shake Time Crispy Rice Squares

Real Carbs Rice/Shake Time Crispy Rice Squares

What 5% Nutrition Supplements Go Well With This Recipe? 

This tantalizing Real Carbs Rice/Shake Time Crispy Rice Squares recipe is a great source of both carbs and protein. Since it also has a reasonable amount of fat, this scrumptious recipe may be best with a lean gain cycle. You would definitely want to enjoy these in the hours around your workout. That way, you’ll make the most of the protein and carbs in the 5% powders we used for this recipe. As far as what 5% Nutrition products these can be enjoyed with, they will work with any of our pre-workouts, (we suggest the amazing new Kill It RTD), amino acid powders, or muscle builders. Since mass is your goal, we suggest shopping our Stacks page. You’ve got pre-built stacks, buy any 4 Core Products and Save 20%, or Build Your Own Stacks, and Save Up To 20%. 5% Nutrition makes it easy to get the products you need!

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