
Real Carbs + Protein Blueberry Donut Holes

Real Carbs + Protein Blueberry Donut Holes

Donuts - what a delicious way to start the day! Ah, but we’re going with the always-popular donut holes. But not just any donut holes, 5% Nutrition Real Carbs + Protein Blueberry Donut Holes! They’re easy to make and taste like they came from the local donut shop. What could be better than that? Grab that cup of coffee and dig in!

What 5% Nutrition Supplements Go Well With This Recipe? 

This recipe is carbs and protein but fits any goal, whether it’s mass or fat loss. It’s all in how you enjoy these! On a fat loss program, just have a couple. Is it your cheat day? Have a few more. Going for mass? Help yourself! Since this recipe is healthy and based around Real Carbs + Protein, it works with any 5% product. Of course, your 5% program begins with your favorite 5% pre-workout. How about Kill It Reloaded? From there, you’ve got to go with Bigger By The Day or Shred Time. Next, build your program accordingly. How about TEST Test Booster to back up Bigger By The Day? Or, Liquid L-Carnitine 3150 to support Shred Time? Either way, these scrumptious Donut Holes are the perfect treat to enjoy anytime!

[[ recipeID=recipe-8ljhd92j5, title=Real Carbs + Protein Blueberry Donut Holes ]]

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