6-Week Training Program For The New Year - 3-Day split routine

6-Week Training Program For The New Year - 3-Day split routine

We took a step forward in intensity in Part 4 of our 6-Week Training Program For The New Year. Now, in Part 5, we’re taking a much bigger step by dropping the full-body approach and switching to a 3-Day split routine. While this is a standard split, it’s often done using straight sets. Not here! We’re doing supersets - and some tri-sets. That’s not all. We’re also adding the rest-pause technique to several sets. That intensity needle just jumped, didn’t it? 

Workout Plan - Phase 3 (Weeks 5 & 6)

The 3-Day Split Routine - Superset Style - Rest-Pause

The Push/Pull/Legs Split

This popular 3-Day split is also known as the Push/Pull/Legs split. It’s a classic routine that’s common among bodybuilders and other lifters. That’s because it works so well with busy lifestyles. In our case, we’re doing this routine a little differently. As noted, we’re doing supersets, a few tri-sets, and rest-pause. That’s on top of the rep tempo we’ve been using, which emphasizes the negative phase of the rep, and includes a pause at the fully stretched position.  

80% 1RM 

Cardio - 45 minutes. Add rest-pause as noted.

Rest-Pause - Do your set to failure (you should fail at the prescribed rep number), rack the bar, and count to 8, unrack the bar and knock out as many reps as you can. Rerack the bar and count to 8 again, unrack the bar and again knock out as many reps as you can. 

Day 1: Legs

Dynamic Warm-Up

Jump Rope x 20
Jumping Jacks x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 15
Bent Torso Twists x 10
Shoulder Circles x 10
Cardio (your choice) 45 minutes

Superset #1

Leg Press (Feel free to do squats)
Leg Curls
20% Of Your Working Weight x 15 reps
40% Of Your Working Weight x 10 reps
Supersets: 4 x 12 reps each exercise - rest-pause on last superset

Superset #2

Standing Calf Raises
Seated Calf Raises
Supersets: 4 x 15 reps each exercise

Superset #3

Reverse Crunch
Supersets: 4 x 8-10 reps each exercise

Day 2: Rest/Cardio 30 minutes 

Day 3: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps (Push), Abs

Dynamic Warm-Up

Jump Rope x 20
Jumping Jacks x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 15
Bent Torso Twists x 10
Shoulder Circles x 10
Cardio (your choice) 45 minutes

Superset #1

Bench Press (or Chest Press Machine)
Incline Dumbbell Flyes
20% Of Your Working Weight x 15 reps
40% Of Your Working Weight x 10 reps
Supersets: 4 x 8 reps - rest-pause on last superset

Superset #2

Overhead Press
Side Laterals
Supersets: 4 x 8 reps - rest-pause on last superset

Superset #3

Wide-Grip Upright Rows
(Go an inch wider than shoulder-width)
Rear Lateral
Supersets: 4 x 8-10 reps each exercise

Superset #4

Close Grip Bench Press
Supersets: 3 x 8 reps each exercise - rest pause on last superset

Superset #5

Hanging Leg Raises
Side to Side Crunch
Supersets: 5 x 20 reps each exercise

Day 4: Rest, Cardio

Day 5: Back, Biceps, (Pull), Abs

Dynamic Warm-Up

Jump Rope x 20
Jumping Jacks x 20
Bodyweight Squats x 15
Bent Torso Twists x 10
Shoulder Circles x 10
Cardio (your choice) 45 minutes

Superset #1

Bent Row
(If these are a problem, perform Lat Pulldowns with a different handle than you’ll use in Superset #2. For example, if you plan to use a regular angled lat bar, use a parallel grip lat bar or V-handle here)
20% Of Your Working Weight x 15 reps
40% Of Your Working Weight x 10 reps
Supersets: 4 x 8 reps - rest-pause on last superset

Superset #2 (Technically a tri-set)

Seated Cable Rows
Lat Pulldowns
Tri-sets: 3 x 8-10 reps

Superset #3 (Technically a tri-set)

Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls
EZ Cable Curls
Preacher Curls
Tri-sets: 3 x 8-10 reps

Superset #4

Wrist Curls
Reverse Curls
Supersets: 3 x 8-10 reps

Superset #5

Ab Wheel
Side to Side Ab Wheel
Supersets: 5 x 15 reps

Day 6: Rest

Performance Notes

You should fail on the last rep. If you can do more reps, add weight until you can’t. As far as rep performance, continue using this tempo: 2-0-4. That’s 2 seconds up, no pausing at the top, and a slow 4 seconds down. On the last rep of an exercise, hold the fully stretched position for an 18-count. The idea here is to hold it for as long as possible. On rest-pause sets, do this technique on the last superset (or tri-set) before you begin your rest-pause supersets. There’s a lot of work here. If you feel it’s more than you can tackle, cut back 1 superset (or tri-set) across the board. Otherwise, push the intensity!

Nutritional Guidelines

By this time, you should be seeing progress. If fat loss is your goal, continue following the nutritional plan we established. 

Is muscle mass your goal? Then as the workouts get a little harder, make sure you’re eating enough. Keep protein at the high end and make sure you’re eating enough carbs to fuel your workouts. Not sugary carbs, but high-quality complex carbs. There’s a fine line between eating enough carbs and eating too many. If your waist begins to get a little bigger, cut your carbs. Try reducing your total daily carb intake by 50g. This allows better control than simply cutting by a drastic amount. Otherwise, keep eating at the same level. Consistency is the key!

5% Supplement Suggestions

The same principle of consistency applies here. Your 5% Stack should reflect your goals. Continue with your fat loss supplement program, if that’s your goal. If mass is the goal, make sure you’re taking full advantage of the 5% Nutrition natural muscle builder arsenal. Also remember, with our Build Your Own Stack feature, you can adjust your Stack to suit your needs. You can stock up on 5% Nutrition Shred Time or All Day You May Shred. Maybe you’ve lost all the fat you want to, and now you want to build more muscle. Build Your Own Stack by grabbing some of 5%’s natural muscle builders, such as Bigger By The Day, Test Testosterone Booster, and Turkesterone 1200. You can stack 3, 4, or 5 products, it’s up to you!


In Part 5 of 5% Nutrition’s 6-Week Training Program For The New Year, we’ve reached Phase 3 of our workout plan. We’ll continue this routine in Part 6 with a few tweaks. In the meantime, Build Your Stack, stay consistent with your nutrition, and keep going!

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